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Microsoft Active Directory Disaster? Recover at Least Five Times Faster with Quest Recovery Manager

ESG validated how Quest Recovery Manager for Active Directory Disaster Recovery Edition (RMADDRE) simplifies, accelerates, and automates backup and recovery of Microsoft Active Directory. The solution achieved higher levels of performance thanks to automation. It also provided flexibility and reduced the risk of reintroducing malware.

Active Directory is Vulnerable to Ransomware

Active Directory (AD) is a mission-critical application and the backbone of an organization’s IT infrastructure, acting as the single source of truth for identities and permissions for systems, services, and people. When AD is compromised by malware, or by human error, machine failure, or natural disasters, the organization’s entire IT environment comes to a halt. The entire workforce is prevented from logging in, applications cannot run, and all work comes to a dead stop until AD services are restored.


Suffered a ransonware attack


Average total cost of a ransomware breach


of ransom payers could not recover data


Use Active Directory on-premises


Unable to tolerate more than 2 hours of downtime for mission-critical apps

Quest Recovery Manager for Active Directory Disaster

Quest Recovery Manager for Active Directory automates, coordinates, and synchronizes the manual AD backup and recovery procedures documented in Microsoft’s AD backup and recovery guide. Organizations using Recovery Manager can customize, automate, simplify, and accelerate the onerous and arduous AD recovery process.

Quest Recovery Manager for Active Directory Disaster

Quest Recovery Manager was more than five times faster than the manual process to recover the test bench AD forest to bare metal servers. ESG believes that each additional DC in the forest increases the manual recovery time and effort. The time to recover using Quest RMADDRE, which runs operations in parallel, will not be greatly affected by the number of DCs. Large environments with hundreds of DCs may require days or even weeks to manually recover AD versus just a few hours when using Quest RMADDRE.

More than 5x faster

than the manual process to recover the test bench AD forest to bare metal servers.

Time to recover not greatly affected by the number of DCs
Large environments can be recovered in just a few hours

The Bigger Truth

According to ESG research, 82% of organizations claim that cyber-risk has increased over the past two years due to factors like an increase in cyber-threats, greater integration of technology within the business, and a growing attack surface. Cyber-risk, human errors, hardware failures, and natural disasters, among other factors, ensure that no organization is safe from catastrophic AD disasters. Organizations must recover from AD failures as soon as possible so as not to lose time, money, or reputation.
Quest designed Recovery Manager for Active Directory Disaster Recovery Edition to help organizations quickly recover from an AD disaster. The solution automates and verifies the process and provides flexibility, enabling organizations to recover to bare metal servers or clean OS install servers. Quest also enables admins to recover in two phases: first, recovering at least one DC per domain; second, recovering or adding DCs from installation media. The two-phase recovery ensures organizations can resume operations as soon as possible and then add DCs for increased capacity and resiliency.

CyberEdge Group, 2021 Cyberthreat Defense Report.
IBM Security, Cost of a Data Breach Report 2021.
ESG Master Survey Results, Trends in IAM: Cloud-driven Identities, December 2020.
ESG Research Report, Real-world SLAs and Availability Requirements, October 2020.

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Enterprise Strategy Group | Getting to the Bigger Truth™

Enterprise Strategy Group is an IT analyst, research, validation, and strategy firm that provides market intelligence and actionable insight to the global IT community.