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***Closed - Won***
---End Note---
***Docs Pending***
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***Proposal Pending***
>>>AP requested proposal for Lata
---End Note---
***Stakeholder Buy-in***
>>>AP will demo Lata
Lata called AP this AM on her cell and spoke about how she wants to move forward with RFX and AHS.
---End Note---
***Interest in RFX***
She reached out to Amanda and told her to follow up with her in Q1 2023
---End Note---
Closed cancelled - no response
Lata came back up for air with Kerri. I reached out to her, no response.
6/8 Lata said she's rescheduled the board meeting 3 times, the center has been hit really hard with COVID - she needs more time and we extended her special pricing
5/3 LVM and sent email
Kerri Ubaldi referral - AP completed demo on 4/13 at 11 am CST
This is the Fishkill, NY Center - we are waiting on the contract
salesNotes=Data Management Maturity Model Rating - {{overallRating}}. Results - {{url}}
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